statement of financial position,balance sheet


statement of financial position,balance sheet 財務地位表,平衡表


n. 陳述


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


a. 財政的, 金融的, 財務的


n. 位置、處境、地位、職務、陣地、姿勢、立場、定位 vt. 放置


vt. 使平衡, 使相稱, 權衡, 抵銷 vi. 得到平衡, 保持平衡, 相等, 相稱 n. 平衡, 結餘, 平靜, 天平, 平衡物


n. 床單、大薄片、一張紙、一大片、鑲板、表單 vt. 給……鋪上被單 vi. 使成大片、滂沱落下


statement of current position 流動地位表
statement of daily cash 現金日計表
statement of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriations 支出與保留數對核定經費比較表
statement of financial income and expenses 財務收益與費用表
statement of financial operations 財務情況表
statement of financial position,balance sheet 財務地位表,平衡表
statement of funds and its application,statement of application of funds 資金運用表
statement of loss and gain,statement of profit and loss 損益表
statement of operating expenses 營業費用表
statement of operating revenue 營業收入表,營業所入表

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