segregation of items


segregation of items 項目歸類


n. 隔離, 分離, 種族隔離


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


n. 項目, 細目, 條款, 一則, 一項, 一則


securities and exchange commission 證券交易委員會
security 證券,擔保品
security income and expense 證券收益與費用
security owned 持有證券
segregation of fixed items principle 固定專案分開原則
segregation of items 項目歸類
self-and-lease agreement 售出租回合約
self-balancing 自平
self-employment income 自傭所得
self-insurance 自辦保險

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