
  • summary account - 彙總帳戶
  • summary of applied selling and administrative expense - 已分配推銷與管理費用彙總表
  • summary of balance sheet changes - 平衡表變動彙總表
  • summary of cost of finished parts used - 耗用零件成本彙總表
  • summary of cost of finished products - 製成品成本彙總表
  • summary of cost of goods sold - 銷貨成本彙總表
  • summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied - 已分配製造費用彙總表
  • summary of materials consumed - 用料彙總表
  • summary of materials received - 收料彙總表
  • summary of materials returned - 退料彙總表
  • summary of scrap and spoiled materials - 廢料壞料彙總表
  • summary of spoiled work - 損壞工作彙總表
  • summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense - 實際與已分配製造費用彙總表
  • summary sheet - 彙總單
  • summary statement - 彙總表,總表
  • summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements - 現金收付彙總表
  • summary statement of receipts and expenditures - 收入與支出彙總表
  • summary statement of resources and obligations - 資力負擔彙總表

  • 61 筆 / 共 71