estimated uncollectible current taxes


estimated uncollectible current taxes 預計當期壞稅


v. estimate動詞的過去式、過去分詞

uncollectible :


adj. 現行的、流行的 n. 電流、潮流、水流


n. 稅金


estimated revenue 預計收入,預計所入
estimated revenue receipts 預計所入收入
estimated service life 估計使用壽年
estimated statement 估計表
estimated uncollectible accounts recievable 預計壞帳
estimated uncollectible current taxes 預計當期壞稅
estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes 預計過期壞稅
estimated uncollectible interest and penalties on taxes 預計欠稅利息與罰款損失
estimated uncollectible tax liens 預計欠稅留置權損失
estimates of expenditures 歲出概算

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